Okay doing parodies of the Clock Crew is a good idea because THEY FUCKING SUCK...but next time try making it so we can actually hear what you're trying to say.
Okay doing parodies of the Clock Crew is a good idea because THEY FUCKING SUCK...but next time try making it so we can actually hear what you're trying to say.
Ho hum
Imagine watching grass grow in slo-mo whilst counting your toes. Boring? Not sa boring as this shit.
Almost a 4 MB DL for THAT? Fuck me...
Dude, you can obviously do decent flash so why not drop all this stoopid clock shit and try something original?
Damn am I the only one who finds these clock movies really tedious? And what's with the lame electronic voices? It's hard enough to understand them when they're done on your own PC, but trying to decipher them when they've been through the Flash audio compression mangling machine is damn near impossible.
This sucked donkey anus. I'm never watching another CC movie again.
What a clock of shit
FUCK OFF with your STUPID-ASS clocks! When will the Clock Crew ever learn that CLOCKS ARE NOT ENTERTAINING? I watched about 10 seconds of this crap before switching it off.
Fuck off
This stinks. It's repetitive, hard on the eyes, badly drawn, and what's more, the soundtrack isn't even your own.
Utter, utter crapola.
This was pretty lame, but I was impressed at the voice of the guy wearing the 'Strung Out' shirt...WOW does he sound like Wyatt out of the eighties movie Weird Science!!!! It could easily be him...except that it's doubtful he woud agree to star in a crappy little flash toon on NG.
It seemed to start with promise, but then with each second that passed I realised it sucked Aardvaark anus. But I wached it till the end, so I gave you a 4.
Maybe next time you should consider working on backgrounds...and the sound quality was pretty bad too. Sorry.
"Splay those peachy bumcheeks, Lady Marchmont, for my anal probe is fully-charged, and it SHALL NOT BE DENIED!"
Royal Colon Cleanser
Joined on 6/21/02